Cleaned Cut
andis foil shaver review

Real Review: Andis Foil Shaver

Have you ever gotten a fresh haircut at the barber and wondered “How do they get such a close shave with a foil shaver?”? Well, for a long time I wondered the same thing. During one visit to my barber, I simply asked. Now although he came a bit off like a salesman, touting the amazingness of the Andis foil shaver, I decided to order one for myself.

If you have read any of my other content, you would quickly realize I mostly enjoy wet shaving with a traditional safety razor setup. However, when I need to get a super quick and close shave, I sometimes opt for a foil shaver due to it being so convenient.

Getting straight to the point, the Andis foil shaver was a purchase that I didn’t regret. The shaver gets extremely close to the skin, even comparable to the shave I get from a blade. The battery life and charging time of the Andis are both great as well. The shaver is also very powerful and cuts through my thick facial hair with ease. The only complaint I might have is that the shaver is not waterproof, making it harder to clean.

Continue reading for my full unboxing and review of the Andis Profoil Lithium electric shaver.

Unboxing the Andis Profoil Lithium

andis foil shaver box

My order came in the type of box that you would expect to see at a big box store on a shelf. There was very little fancy about the box, unlike the packaging I saw with some of my other reviews. On the box, there is general information about the shaver such as the staggered head design, 80 minutes of run time, and how it reduces irritation.

andis foil shaver open box

Inside the box, I found the shaver itself, instruction booklet, charger cable, and cleaning brush. Overall pretty basic contents that you would expect.andis foil shaver

The shaver itself is actually quite large compared to some of the others I own. There is a single light on the base of the unit and a charging port on the bottom right side. A sliding button on the front allows you to turn it on and off.

Andis Foil Shaver Head Replacement

andis foil shaver head replacement

Replacement of the Andis foil shaver head is pretty simple and straightforward. There is a button on the side of the shaver that is pressed to allow you to pop the top off and expose the blades. The blades can then be removed for cleaning or replacement by pulling them off, a spring clip holds them on.

Chill Boys Boxers

Shaving with the Andis Foil Shaver

Shaving with the Andis Profoil made me instantly regret ever doubting my barber who was praising this shaver before. This thing packs some serious power. I used this to shave my 3-day stubble and it got my face as smooth as if I shaved with a razor.

Cleaning the shaver was a little different as I’m more used to waterproof shavers, but overall it was pretty easy. In total, shaving my entire face took me about 15 minutes. I have since used this shaver about half of a dozen times without needing to charge it.

One big thing that I noticed was that the power of the Profoil can actually start to cause irritation if you shave dry and have sensitive skin like myself. An easy way I found to eliminate the irritation issue was to apply some pre-shave oil to my face before shaving. With the pre-shave oil applied my skin was silky smooth and irritation free.

What’s to Like About the Profoil

  • Closest shave from an electric razor
  • Very powerful motor and solid construction
  • Easy shaver head replacement
  • Long battery life and fast recharge
  • Affordable

What Could Be Disliked About the Profoil

  • Not waterproof
  • Can cause irritation if you shave dry with sensitive skin
  • No battery life indicator

Overall Impression

The Andis Profoil Lithium shaver has become one of my favorite electric shavers because it is simple yet extremely effective. I get a super close shave that can be compared to shaving with a safety razor. Pairing the Profoil with some pre-shave oil leaves my skin feeling silky smooth with zero irritation. If you are in the market for an affordable electric shaver that gets as close as a razor, I highly recommend the Andis foil shaver.

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