Cleaned Cut
Cutting Yourself with a Safety Razor

How to Avoid Cutting Yourself with a Safety Razor

Since new shaving tools are constantly introduced into the market, men should learn to use them without cutting themselves. Provided you use the proper techniques; you can make a safety razor your best friend whenever you step into the bathroom without experiencing razor cuts on skin.

The tools are designed to make it easier for you to have the best experience trying to get that smoother, comfortable shave. Thus, you must know how to use the shaver properly.

Are you here because you want to learn to shave without cutting yourself with a safety razor? If so, you have come to the right place. This article has some of the best tips to quickly implement to avoid accidents when using a safety razor to achieve the best look.

Why Do You Keep Cutting Yourself When Shaving?

Before delving deeper into the primary reason for this article, let’s find out some of the reasons men tend to cut themselves when using safety razors in the bathroom.

Multiple Passes

Many people tend to make many passes over the same areas, hoping they’ll get the best results. Most of them are always trying to get a cleaner, closer shave. However, this is a mistake you should avoid. Multiple passes will remove the shaving cream lubricating your skin and increase the friction between your skin and the blades.

There’ll be razor burn and eventually shaving cuts when that happens. If you have to pass through the same area repeatedly, be sure to add more shaving gel or cream. That way, you can reduce the chances of cuts.

Poor Technique

When using a safety razor, you should be mindful of your shave technique. Unless you use the razor properly, you’ll only end up with an uneven shave, thereby increasing the chances of getting cuts.

Remember, safety razors are not designed to swivel to resonate with the contours on the face. Therefore, it’s upon you to target the right angles so that you don’t cut yourself accidentally. This might need some practice, but as time goes, you’ll learn how best to use the safety razor without getting cuts.

Too Much Pressure

When shaving, it’s easy to apply too much pressure without your knowledge. You might be tempted to press down the razor, thinking that it would give you a closer shave. However, this is a bad habit that can lead to unnecessary safety razor cuts and even skin irritations like razor burn and bumps.

The best thing you can do is let the razor’s weight do the magic for you. That way, you can maintain a lighter touch and still get the best shave without damaging your skin. When using a safety razor you should use barely any, if any, pressure while shaving.

How Do You Avoid Cutting Yourself with a Safety Razor?

Now that you understand the basics, it’s time to get deeper into the topic and help you know more. Here are the five tips you can use to avoid cutting yourself with a safety razor.

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Get the Hair Ready

It’s not good to get cuts and safety razor nicks when shaving your hair. The first step to avoiding bad experiences is by preparing your hair. Take your time, exfoliate your skin, and soften the facial hair. That way, it would be easier for your razor to navigate the contours of your face easily, reducing the chances of giving you cuts.

Before you start using your razor, try to use a light facial scrub to get rid of dead cells that might get in the way and lead to accidents. After exfoliation, use a warm towel to soak the stubble for around 30 seconds. If your skin and hair are smooth, you can shave your facial hair without a problem.

Use Shaving Gel

You must never try dry-shaving when using a safety razor. With a shaving gel, you can easily create a protective layer between your skin and the blades, thereby reducing any friction that might deter smooth strokes and a clean shave. Unless you apply a lubricant, you’re likely to experience razor cuts on the skin and razor burns.

Before using the razor, no matter how experienced you’re, be sure to apply a shaving gel on the area you intend to shave.

Are you trying to get a good shaving lubricant that can help you reduce the chances of cutting yourself with a safety razor? If so, try this product, and you’ll have a smile on your face when using a safety razor. Remember, you should only use top-quality products to avoid infections developing on your skin.

Keep Practicing

We have already made this point clear up there, but for the sake of clarification, let’s touch on it one more time. When using a safety razor, technique plays a vital role. To get better, you should keep practicing.

You can use online guides and pictures to learn and reduce the chances of getting uneven shaves each time you’re using a safety razor. Skin irritation and shaving razor cuts can ruin your day, especially if you’re someone who values style and looks.

Do you even know how to use a safety razor? To start, you want to hold the razor at a 30-degree angle against your skin to reveal its blade. Move with short strokes and give them lighter pressure. Ensure that you move the edges in the same direction of hair growth on your face.
Apply more shaving gel or cream if you need to pass more strokes on a given area.

Use Sharp Blades

Having a quality blade can reduce the chances of irritation can cuts while shaving. The best practice is to change the blades as regularly as possible. You must avoid shaving with dull blades because they’ll drag across your skin and will pull on your hair. That can lead to nicks and skin irritation.

Don’t focus on extending the life of your blade when you’re sure it’s time to replace it. Also, replacement blades are easily affordable, so you don’t need to skimp on the quality of your shaves.

For the best shaving experience, try to replace the blades often. I use a new blade every time I shave as they are inexpensive.

Use an Aftershave

Once you put your shaving down, you might notice minor shaving cuts that you need to get rid of. There’s nothing to worry about. The minor razor-sharp cuts are normal, and you can easily take care of them using the best practices.

No matter how good you are, minor razor cuts on skin can happen without warning. Provided you have an aftershave, you’ll have the peace of mind you deserve. These products are great because they ensure that you look your best after using a safety razor.

A good aftershave should contain antioxidants, aloe Vera, and ad hydrating botanicals to reduce irritation and keep your skin hydrated.

Why is Dry Shaving bad for Your Face?

Maybe you don’t have a lot of time left, so you just pounce on your safety razor and begin shaving without using a lubricant. But what are the risks involved? This section will help you understand why dry shaving is not suitable for your face and should be avoided.

It Shreds your Skin.

By dry shaving, you’ll be skipping one of the most important routines of shaving your skin and keeping it healthy. Dry shaving happens when you start shaving without softening your skin and hair or using a cream.

In that case, the razor will just tear against your skin, thereby shredding it in the process. After shaving, this will irritate your skin and make it look bad. The good thing about wet skin is that the pores are open and your skin and hair are softer. With that, the razor will effortlessly glide over your skin and give you a clean cut. You should embrace this routine to keep your skin in good shape.

The Burning Sensation

Dry shaving can also lead to a burning and stinging sensation on your skin, which is a bad thing. Depending on how bad the situation is, that feeling can last several days after a dry shave. To alleviate the burn, consider using a moisturizer, but some products can only make it worse.

To be safe, you should avoid dry shaving altogether once you plan to shave your facial hair, dampen your skin, and keep it moisturized. Soaking your skin makes it smooth so you won’t feel the burning sensation. Once you’ve applied the shaving gel or cream, give your skin some time to get soft before using a safety razor.

All Dried Out

From the few points above, you can see that wet shaving is what you need to take care of skin from a safety razor cut. Once your skin is lubricated, you can easily use the razor without expecting ugly accidents. It helps prevent nicks, friction, and razor burns that might make your skin look bad.

Skipping this routine can lead to all-dried-out skin that can be painful, itchy, or flaky. We have already suggested a shaving cream you can use, but you’re free to get something you’re comfortable with.

Razor burn disaster is common among those who shave dry skin without applying lubricants. It’s the worst thing that can happen if you don’t follow the tips we have shared in this piece.

What If Your Skin is Prone to Acne?

It can be hard to shave if you have acne. Unless you’re careful, shaving around pimples can leave your skin looking red, raw, and burnt. Thankfully, there’re things you can do to shave your acned skin without accidents. Let’s look at some of the practices below.

Don’t Shave over Pimples.

You might be tempted to shave over the pimples, but that’s not a good decision for your skin. You can’t clear the spots by shaving on top of them. Instead, you’ll be opening up the skin for infections, which might lead to scarring.

By shaving over the pimples, aside from cutting yourself with a safety razor, you’ll prolong the healing process because it’ll be turned into a scab that takes weeks or months to go away. Rather than shaving over the pimples, just target around the inflamed blemishes.

Use a Single Blade or Electric Razor

Multi-blade razors are great, especially when you want to achieve a super-close shave. However, they usually cause a lot of friction when dragged on top of the skin, which is why you should avoid them.

You can imagine what that might do to your skin if you already struggle with acne.
If you try using a multi-blade razor and notice that your skin looks worse, you should switch to a quality single-blade razor or an electric razor. Though these will not give you the smoothest shave, they won’t worsen your acne, which is a good thing.

Trim Instead

Shaving can lead to a breakout for some people, no matter how carefully they shave their facial hair. This can lead to irritation and redness. In that case, it helps to ditch the razor and use something else to make your face look great.

It’s okay to go for a trimmer to maintain a clean face. Because your trimmer will not get close to the skin, you can be safe from the razor burn and keep your face looking great. Also, if your pimples are widespread, it would be hard to shave around each spot. There’s no need to stick to a razor if it doesn’t help you achieve the bottom line.


We hope this piece helps you learn how to use a safety razor without getting the safety razor nicks, cuts, and razor burns on your skin. The razors look great and can give you a close shave. However, if you don’t handle them well, they might make your skin look terrible due to the razor cuts on skin.
Make sure you use a lubricant before using the razor so that the blade flows smoothly without causing friction. Choose the best products for aftershave and maintenance. Don’t skip essential routines. Do you feel you have any questions about how to avoid cutting yourself with a safety razor? Let’s know by commenting below.


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