Cleaned Cut
prepare your skin for shaving

How to Prepare Your Skin for Shaving Like a Pro, Every Time

Properly preparing your skin before shaving can dictate the quality of your shave. Have a clean sharp razor, open your pores with warm water, and use a cream or gel that works best with the device you are using. Also, using a good quality pre-shave oil or cream can completely transform your shaving experience. Taking your time to perfect a good shave prep can mean a world of difference and give you an overall better shave.

What is the Best Way to Prepare Your Skin Shaving?

Shaving can cause irritation and dryness to your skin. This is because the blade causes friction with the skin, which can lead to redness or bumps. To get a smoother shave, it’s important to prepare your skin beforehand and after shaving. Don’t rush through this process, otherwise, you could end up with irritated skin that feels raw and bumpy. The following are some of the best ways to prep your skin before shaving.

  • Be sure your blade is clean and sharp – clean and replace your blades often for best results.
  • One of the best ways to prepare your skin is to soften it by using a hot towel or showering. Hot water opens up pores and makes hair follicles more pliable. If you plan on using a hot towel, it’s best not to use conditioner on your hair beforehand, as it may make the towel less effective.
  • If you suffer from ingrown hairs often, try cleansing your skin with a quality shaving prep scrub before anything else. A shaving prep scrub will cleanse and exfoliate your skin and reduce the chances of ingrown hairs.
  • Be sure to shave in the direction of hair growth – this will ensure that you don’t cut into or irritate your follicles – wait an hour after shaving before applying moisturizer.
  • Use shaving cream, lotion, or gel that contains glycerin and natural oils such as jojoba oil.
  • When using a foam and shaving brush, swirl the foam in circles and allow a minute for the shaving foam to fully penetrate your hair.
  • Choose an appropriate product for your skin type. I opt for the shaving cream that’s most like me, sensitive. Jokes aside, it’s pretty important to know your skin type and match it with the right product.
  • Immediately after shaving I like to rinse with cold water to close my pores and tighten my skin.

How to Choose the Right Shave Prep Method for You

The first step is to figure out what kind of soap or cream you want to use. Generally speaking, shaving creams are better at producing a rich lather and they create a protective coating on the skin which makes it easier to shave. Shaving soaps can also produce a rich lather but it may not be as protective as shaving cream. Foam is not an ideal option for anyone who wants smooth skin after their shave since it can cause drag and cause irritation on the skin. Shaving gels are typically better than creams because they’re more lightweight and you don’t need a lot of cream or gel to cover your face.

It is essential to know how to choose the right method for you. For example, if you have sensitive skin and you want to shave, your best bet would be to use a shaving cream or gel. Choosing the right preparation method for your skin will make it easier and more comfortable for you.


For those that shave regularly, it’s inevitable that you will eventually get bumps, razor burn, redness, or irritation. The truth is that shaving can be one of the most irritating daily routines. Different factors contribute to getting the perfect shave every time. These include water temperature, hair length, hair coarseness, natural oil level on your skin, frequency of shaving, and type of razor blade.

Failing to properly prepare your face and skin before shaving can cause irritation, shave bumps, and even cuts that can scar. To prevent this from happening to you, it’s important to prepare your skin before shaving by slathering it with a quality shaving cream or gel made especially for men with your skin type. If you don’t yet know your skin type, I encourage you to try different shaving prep products. Finding the perfect product for your skin can completely transform your shaving experience.

In addition to using a quality product for preparing your skin before shaving, you can try other things such as thoroughly cleaning your skin and applying a warm damp facecloth. Getting the perfect shave is a learning process that takes experimenting. However, once you discover your perfect routine you unlock your perfect shave.

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