Cleaned Cut
Why Shaving with a Safety Razor is Better for Your Skin and the Environment

Why Shaving with a Safety Razor is Better for Your Skin and the Environment

When it comes to shaving, there are many different methods available, including cartridge razors, electric razors, and safety razors. However, safety razors have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their many benefits. Not only are safety razors better for your skin, but they are also more environmentally friendly than disposable razors.

I personally made the switch to a safety razor a few years ago and never looked back. My shaving costs went down over 90% per year just like that. Although I started this site and became a collector, the savings of using a safety razor over modern cartridge razors was clear. Not to mention my skin has never been clearer and my face feels great. If you’re interested in trying out traditional wet shaving I invite you to continue reading and even check out more of my posts on the topic. Thanks for reading!

The History of Safety Razors

Safety razors have been around for over a century and were first introduced in the late 1800s. These razors were designed with a guard that prevented the user from cutting themselves while shaving. The guard on safety razors made it easier for men to shave at home and eliminated the need for frequent trips to the barber. In the early 1900s, safety razors became increasingly popular and were considered the standard shaving method until the introduction of cartridge razors in the 1970s.

Environmental Benefits of Safety Razors

Disposable razors have a significant impact on the environment. According to the EPA, over 2 billion disposable razors end up in landfills every year in the United States alone. These razors are made of plastic and cannot be recycled, meaning they will remain in the landfill indefinitely. On the other hand, safety razors are made of metal and can be reused for years. This makes them a more environmentally friendly option.

In addition, safety razors also generate less waste overall than cartridge razors, which require plastic cartridges to be replaced every few shaves. The metal blade of a safety razor can be recycled, which further reduces its impact on the environment.

Health Benefits of Safety Razors

Using a safety razor can be better for your skin than other shaving methods. The single blade on a safety razor is less likely to cause irritation, razor burn, or ingrown hairs than a cartridge razor with multiple blades. This is because the first blade on a cartridge razor pulls the hair up while the second blade cuts it, which can cause the hair to be cut too short and lead to ingrown hairs. With a safety razor, the blade cuts the hair at the skin level, reducing the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

Additionally, safety razors are easier to clean and maintain, meaning there is less chance of bacteria buildup on the razor head. Cartridge razors are difficult to clean, and bacteria can accumulate on the blades, increasing the risk of infection or razor burn.

Cost Savings of Safety Razors

While the initial cost of a safety razor may be more expensive than a disposable razor or cartridge razor, it is a more cost-effective option in the long run. Safety razors are designed to last for years, meaning you won’t have to keep buying replacement razors. Additionally, the cost of replacement blades for a safety razor is significantly less than the cost of disposable razors.

For example, a pack of 10 disposable razors can cost between $10 and $20, while a pack of 100 safety razor blades can cost around $10 to $30, depending on the brand. This means that you can save money in the long run by using a safety razor.

Tips for Using a Safety Razor

If you’re new to using a safety razor, there are a few tips that can help you achieve a smooth and comfortable shave. First, make sure you’re using a sharp blade. A dull blade can cause irritation and nicks.

Second, use a shaving cream or soap to help lubricate your skin and reduce the risk of razor burn. Apply the cream or soap to your face with a shaving brush to create a lather and help soften your hair.

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Next, hold the safety razor at a 30-degree angle to your skin and shave in short, gentle strokes. Don’t press too hard, as this can cause irritation and cuts. Rinse your blade after every few strokes to keep the blade clear.

After shaving, rinse your face with cold water to help soothe your skin and close your pores. You can also apply a moisturizer or aftershave to help hydrate your skin and prevent irritation.


Using a safety razor is a great way to improve your shaving experience while also reducing your environmental impact. Safety razors are better for your skin, generate less waste, and can save you money in the long run. By following these tips and making the switch to a safety razor, you can enjoy a smooth, comfortable shave while also doing your part to protect the planet.

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