Cleaned Cut
cleaning your shaving brush

Quick and Easy Method to Clean Your Shaving Brush

When you get into the habit of shaving every day, you will soon discover that a great shaving brush plays a big part in how smooth and enjoyable your shaving routine will be. Not only does it help to lift hairs for a closer shave, but it also aids in the process of exfoliation on your face which reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

However, because a shaving brush is such an important part of your routine as well as being a place where bacteria can breed, keeping yours clean should be one of your top priorities. Keeping it clean will not only ensure that you have fewer breakouts but also extend its lifespan and keep bacteria from spreading to other items in your bathroom (such as towels or razors).

If you are looking for an inexpensive shave brush that gives a great lather, I recommend one made by Perfecto. You can check out my full review with images in my post: The Perfecto Shaving Brush: A Review.

Clean shaving brush

Why do shaving brushes need to be cleaned?

Whether you’re using a shaving brush or not, it’s important to keep your razor and other grooming tools clean. Not only does this help you avoid infections, but it also allows for cleaner shaves to get the best results from your razor. Allowing your brush to get overly dirty can damage the bristles, making it less effective at lathering and applying your shaving cream or soap of choice.

Any time you have anything that is used to apply products to your face, it’s important to keep it clean. Even if it’s a brush that is constantly having soap or cream applied to it. Cleaning a shaving brush every time you use it is especially important if you are prone to having acne or ingrown hairs because bacteria can find their way into the bristles and then onto your face while shaving.

How often should a shaving brush be cleaned?

Cleaning your shaving brush after usage is an important step in maintaining good hygiene and preventing bacteria growth. Although it’s more common to clean a shaving brush after each use, it’s also a good idea to deep clean your brush at least once a week to keep it in optimal condition.

Best ways to clean your shaving brush

To properly clean your shaving brush, place the bristles of the brush into a bowl filled with warm water. Swish the bristles around until they are completely saturated. Next, gently squeeze the excess water out of the bristles with your hands. Allow the brush to air dry completely before storing it away for the next use.

cleaning shaving brush

Deep cleaning of your brush can be done by allowing it to soak in a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water. After it soaks, gently rinse the brush completely to remove any residual vinegar. Next, dry your brush completely and store it in the usual place.

You can also wipe down your shaving brush with rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes if you feel like it is necessary. However, using harsh cleaning chemicals like rubbing alcohol or disinfectant can damage the bristles if they are natural. Non-synthetic brushes should be cleaned with milder cleaning solutions to not damage the bristles.

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Properly storing your shaving brush

Properly cleaning your brush is just one part of maintaining it. You should also consider how you are storing your shaving brush as well, as it plays a huge role in its longevity.

Your shaving brush should never be stored standing upright on its handle. Storing a brush upright in this way can cause the bristles to droop and warp into an unwanted shape. If you have ever had your hair get trained into a funky position, the same can happen to shave brushes with natural bristles.

Instead, store your brush in a hanging position from a shaving brush stand in a dry place. Having the brush hanging with its bristles facing down will allow them to stay straight. As a bonus, gravity will help remove any moisture trapped inside the bristles.


Taking care of your shaving brush will make it last longer and give you the best possible shave. When not regularly cleaned, your shaving brush can build up bacteria and other debris, which is then spread onto your face when you apply your shaving cream or soap. Bacteria can then enter your pores and small nicks in your skin while shaving and cause irritation, acne, and ingrown hairs.

Cleaning your shaving brush is as simple as rinsing it thoroughly between shaves, and deep cleaning it every week or so. In doing so, your shaving brush will last you many years and continue to give you that great lather.

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