Cleaned Cut
waxing a beard off

Is Waxing Your Beard Off a Bad Idea?

Women wax their legs all the time, how bad could it be? Wrong. A newer trend in the men’s grooming world is beard waxing. And I don’t mean beard growth wax. Waxing away beards and other facial hair is a real, and really painful thing. So you ask, is waxing your beard off a bad idea?

In general, a trained professional might make easy work of waxing men’s facial hair. In fact, you may have seen it done in your local salon or even on television. However, be wary as it is generally a painful process that can lead to many unpleasant side effects such as irritation, rash, skin burns, infection, and in-grown hairs. If you are considering this as a primary hair removal due to sensitive skin, be sure to consider all of your other hair removal options, which electric shavers are the most skin-friendly options.

What Is Facial Hair Waxing?

Facial hair waxing is exactly what it sounds like, removing your facial hair with wax. Some men opt to wax off their beards and other facial hair in order to lessen the amount of shaving they need to do to keep a clean look. Much like women wax their legs to keep them smooth, the same is for men with the same goal for their face (believe it or not male bikini waxing is a common thing). However, before you head down to your local salon to get your beard ripped off, read on to learn more about waxing your beard.

Does Waxing Your Beard Off Hurt?

Waxing hair off in general hurts, no matter what type of wax or method is used. A beard, on the other hand, is a far different story than legs or eyebrows. Beard and facial hair tend to be thicker and rooted deep in the face. This being said, waxing beard hair can be an extremely painful process. If you are still interested in waxing your beard after learning about the pain involved, read on my brave friend.

Negative Effects of Waxing Your Beard

Other than pain, waxing your beard and facial hair off can lead to some other unpleasant side effects. Red skin and bumps are common side effects of facial hair waxing and typically subside after a few hours. Another common reaction to facial hair waxing is rashes and possible skin allergies to the products being used to remove the hair. Ingrown hairs are another common result of facial waxing and the skin must be cleaned thoroughly after. Above all, skin burns can be a result of wax being too hot when it is applied to the face. A safer alternative to hot wax would be hair removal wax strips made for men.

Positive Effects of Waxing Your Facial Hair Off

Not everything about male facial hair waxing is bad though. Waxing your beard and other facial hair off can have its own great benefits as well. Face hair waxing reaches the hair down to its follicles and completely removes it. As a result, hair grows back smoother and softer than before. Another benefit is the time it takes for the hair to grow back. Waxing your beard off could keep your face smooth and slick for weeks as opposed to days with traditional shaving.

Closing Thoughts

Waxing your facial hair off might pique your interest because of the benefits of longer-lasting smooth skin. However, be aware that it is a very painful process that can lead to redness, bumps, rashes, and even burns. Never consider waxing your beard at home or without a trained professional. Also, if you decided beard waxing is not your thing, check out some of my other posts on great options for electric and manual shavers.

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