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Prevent Razor Burn - The 4 Best Ways

Prevent Razor Burn – The 4 Best Ways

Razor burn is one of the worst things you can experience when you just want to get a good shave. It can cause irritation and itching that can last a day or more. Razor burn is easily avoidable by picking a good moisturizer, good shaving practices, and using a quality device. It is no secret that somebody with sensitive skin will get a more comfortable shave with a quality 5-bladed razor as opposed to a single-bladed vending machine throwaway.

What is Razor Burn?

Razor burn is a common skin irritation after shaving, which usually disappears after a day. It is mostly seen in moist areas of the body such as the armpits and groin area. Razor burn is caused by excessive rubbing of the skin during shaving, which can lead to inflammation and irritation. Preventing razor burns can be as easy as figuring out your skin type and using products that match. Also, using the proper shaving technique and preparation is essential. Having a good shaving cream or gel paired with the right razor or electric shaver for your skin can completely prevent razor burn and shave bumps. Continue reading below for 4 great tips on the best ways you can prevent razor burn.

#1 Keep Your Skin Moisturized -Everyday

Skincare is not just about applying creams or lotions. It includes the habit of moisturizing your skin on a daily basis.

Moisturizing your skin is important because it prevents dryness and flakiness on the skin. You can moisturize your skin with different lotions or creams which are easily available for purchase online or at a nearby store. If you don’t want to spend too much money on these products then you could also prepare homemade lotion for yourself. Homemade lotion is more affordable than commercially manufactured ones and does not contain any harmful chemicals either. Also, when making lotions yourself you know exactly what’s going into the finished product.

#2 Don’t Shave Over the Same Area Twice

When shaving, do not shave over the same area twice. Shaving over the same area multiple times will repeatedly cause damage to your skin and lead to irritation. Having a high-quality razor will make shaving easier and require fewer strokes to get a clean shave. Electric razors are more forgiving in this aspect but are generally pricier and do not shave as close as a regular razor. Some people prefer to shave exclusively with electrics as it works for them to prevent razor burn caused by manuals.

Be sure to opt for using a pre-electric shave lotion to get the most comfortable shave.

#3 Use Proper Pressure when Shaving

The right pressure for shaving is between light and heavy. If you’re using a manual razor, the light pressure will be when your hand is slightly tilted with the blade on the skin. You can use a heavier hand for electric or disposable razors to slice through hairs easily. But make sure not to press too hard when shaving because it will make it more difficult to get a close shave without irritating your skin or getting razor burn.

An exception to this is when using a straight-edge razor or a safety razor. Safety razors are designed with a weighted handle and no force is needed. Applying force when shaving with a safety razor not only will cause razor burn and skin irritation but could also cause you to cut your skin. On the other hand, care should be taken to use a proper shaving angle AND pressure with a straight razor.

If you have a heavy hand, you might want to stick to QUALITY disposable razors. If you have a bit more time and finesse, I highly suggest using a DE safety razor. Lastly, if you have minimal time and sensitive skin, opt for an electric foil shaver.

#4 Get a Quality Shaver & Use it Properly

A quality shaver is one of the most important cosmetic items you can buy. You want to make sure that you are shaving with the right type of razor suited for your personal needs. It’s not difficult to pick a quality shaver, but you need to know what to look for in order to get it.

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Here are some things you should take into consideration before investing in a new shaver:

  • Type of razor (electric or manual)
  • Blades (multiple or single)
  • Price tag (the cheapest options are typically harder to master the use)
  • Your skin type (oily, dry, sensitive, etc.)
  • The time that you have to shave


Razor burn and irritation from shaving are something we have all dealt with before. Knowing the dos and don’ts of shaving to match your skin type can prevent razor burn. A few things you may want to consider when trying to get rid of razor burn are keeping your skin moisturized, your shaving technique, and the actual razor or shaver you are using. There is no one product or method that works for everyone but there are ways to figure out what works best for you.

2 thoughts on “Prevent Razor Burn – The 4 Best Ways”

  1. Shane A Sotelo

    What is the best way to shave off all my Pubic hair
    Thank You

    1. Get a good trimmer with a guard to start. Then, decide whether or not you want to go smooth shaved. For a smooth shave, opt for a razor that has a lot of blades and a good cream or gel. An alternative to traditional shaving can be depilatory creams (hair removal creams) that work great and last long.

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